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MLS Laser Therapy

At the cutting edge of Airway, breathing, and wellness medicine, Dr. Tran is the first ENT in the nation to utilize the MLS M7 laser, a medical-grade Class IV laser designed for photobiomodulation

{Stimulates your body's own abilities to fight inflammation, swelling and pain}


Reduces inflammation and swelling


Rapid effects without medications or invasive procedures




Image by Jared Rice


Reduces pain and improves healing


Customized treatment protocols


Extensively researched European technology and FDA-approved

Featured uses!

Sinus Pressure & Nasal Congestion

Dr. Tran is pioneering this particular usage of the MLS M7. His protocol can help you achieve relief from sinus pressure and nasal congestion in as little as 4 minutes!!!

TMJ Pain

The MLS laser can help treat the symptoms of pain while we guide you to treat the underlying causes of your jaw pain, clenching, or grinding.

Neck Pain

Alleviate neck pain without medications, steroids, injections, or surgery. Or use the laser as an adjunct to one of the above modalities.

Are you a good candidate for this?

Do you want to avoid using medications, complex therapies, or surgeries to treat nasal and sinus inflammation, swelling, and pain?

Get on the List now!

Interested in receiving MLS Laser treatment?

Sign up using the form at the bottom of the page to be contacted for an evaluation.

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Airway Alliance occasionally has promotional rates for MLS treatment protocols. By entering your email below, you will be placed on a mailing list. If you would like to be removed from the list, please reply UNSUBSCRIBE.

Thanks for trusting us with your care! We will be in touch soon!

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